Sweet Gazoil

Solutions for the treatment of waste plastics and waste/used oils


The first step to obtain high quality products and a good purification is to start with relatively pure vapors. The vapors entering the distillation column have very little contamination thanks to Sweet Gazoil’s patented anti-fouling reactor and Surface Flash Cracking technology. Throughout the process, temperatures are carefully monitored and adjusted to avoid any unwanted cracking of vapors. This ensures the best products while also protecting the equipment from fouling.

Temperatures downstream from the reactor are also adjusted to avoid the unwanted condensation of vapors. Because the vapors produced through Surface Flash Cracking do not pass through a liquid phase before exiting the reactor, it is possible to obtain a near-perfect vapor-solid separation.

Once the solids are removed from the vapors, the vapors are then separated into various products using a specialised small-scale distillation column. The purified diesel exiting the distillation column is then sent to a stabilization step.